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Monday, May 28, 2007

White, Green, Yellow, Red or Pink Rose Gardening?


Sakura flower gardening -

Roses are truly beautiful flowers. They are so complicated and delicate and will definitely give notice to your rose garden. Hmmmm...First plan, plan, plan!

First choose the right potting soil for your rose garden. Your rose garden should have at least 1.5 feet of fresh and fertile potting soil. Your rose garden should get anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day.

Mulching is good for roses. Since roses need water once a week, the mulching will help with any rain that may come in between watering sessions. Different kinds of roses have different meanings to people. A single red rose means I love you. Two dozen roses means congradulations. For dozen roses means unconditional love. One dozen roses is meant for graditude. Yellow and white roses means harmony. Red and white roses means bonding. Red and yellow roses means happy celebration. Yellow roses are for friendship. White roses means I miss you. Pink roses means thank you.

Roses require light pruning. When buying roses, they will come in to formats. Either packaged or plain rooted. The best time to plant roses is after winter, after the ground is thawed-Right after winter for southern states or somewhere during spring in the northern states.

So when you are planning your rose garden, remember these simple tips and have fun building your garden!

Flower Gardening

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