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Monday, May 28, 2007

Tips For Keeping Your Roses Looking Healthy And Beautiful

Healthy and beautiful

Sakura flower healthy -

Roses are very beautiful flowers with fragrant flowers that come in a variety of types and colors. Tending a rose garden is a fairly simple process consisting mainly of watering and pruning. You can decide when you prefer to prune your rose bush either in the spring or the fall. While you are shopping for gloves find a small handheld pair of pruning shears. There are a few tips to help you prune your roses that will encourage the best growth and health. Look for any dead or dying stems and cut them away. Pinching the stalk or stem of the rose should give some if they are alive and snap if they are dead. Try and make the smallest cuts, larger cuts will allow bacteria to enter the plant and can cause disease.

When you have pruned the dead and dying plants away the next step is to begin choosing the buds you want to encourage. Cut just above the buds and move around the entire bush. If you need to thin out the plant then removing the stems carefully leaving the buds intact will allow the possibility of transferring the stems to a new area for growing a new bush.

Pruning your roses is a great way to encourage growth and health of the entire plant. Regular care including plenty of sunshine and water will ensure a beautiful rose bush.

Healthy and beautiful

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