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Monday, May 28, 2007

How To Prepare Your Roses For Winter Part 2


Sakura flower prepare -

About mid to late August stop fertilizing though do continue to water deeply (never let the roots of a rose completely dry out). Apply a dormant spray such as lime sulfur or a dormant oil spray. This will kill pests and fungal diseases that might try to over-winter on the plant or surrounding soil. Rake leaves from around your plants and throughout your yard to prevent the spread of disease or a place for pests to hide. Do not remove soil from around the plant to cover the crown, that soil is needed to insulate the rest of the surrounding roots. Carefully remove the canes from the trellis, fence or wall they are tied to, lay them on the ground and cover with a thick layer of straw, leaves or mulch and a few inches of soil just like the base of the plant.

There are 3 ways to over-winter a rose standard if it is planted in the ground. One, is to dig the plant up keeping a good sized root-ball and "heal" the plant into a large container then move it into a shed or garage for the winter. As spring approaches the plant is brought back outside and re-planted in the ground.

The second method is to carefully remove some soil from one side of the plant and bend it until it is laying on its side and then covering the entire plant with a thick layer of straw, leaves or mulch and 3 to 4 inches of soil.

The third method may be the easiest for a ground planted tree rose. First, wrap the entire plant in a thick layer of straw and burlap taking care to fully protect the plant from top to bottom.

Rose standards that are planted in containers are the easiest to care for.

Late winter – early spring: When there is no longer a danger of a killing freeze uncover your roses and water deeply if needed. Remove any damaged or spindly canes and prune back healthy canes by 1/3 to 1/2. Then fertilize and follow all the steps necessary to promote healthy vigorous plants for the entire growing season.


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