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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Miniature Roses

Sakura flower roses -

Indoors or out, you'll find miniature roses very easy to grow. Compared to their full-sized cousins, miniature roses are practically maintenance-free. A common misconception about miniature roses is they will make ideal houseplants. Before moving them indoors, realize that miniature roses can grow up to 4 feet in height.

Planting Indoors

Place your plant in direct sunlight. Either move the plant to a new location or provide supplemental light.

Make sure to bathe your plant weekly. Gently mist the tops and undersides of the leaves. The spray also removes dust.

If the pot is too small, the plant will be cramped. If too large, your roses will be reluctant to grow.

Planting Outdoors

Outdoors, most miniature roses bloom from spring until the winter. You can plant your roses directly into the ground, a hanging basket, or in an 8 to 10 inch pot. If you choose to plant your roses directly into the ground, dig a hole about 1 foot in depth and diameter. Refill the hole with loose soil, so that your miniature roses are level with the top of the ground. Water your plant thoroughly. These same rules apply to potting your plant.

Water Faithfully

Check the soil daily -- If it feels dry, give it a little water.

Miniature roses will look great in your living room, along the edges of your flower beds, or anywhere your home or garden needs a little burst of color.

Miniature roses

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