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Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Basics Of Orchid Care

Sakura Flower Basic -

Orchids are exotic plants that have thrived on this planet for millions of years but many people are reluctant to grow them as they do not understand the basics of orchid care. While orchids can be challenging to grow, their care is really not that complicated and if you understand what they need to florish, you, too, can enjoy these beautiful and fragrant plants.


One of the big mistakes that people make is over watering their orchids. The amount of watering necessary depends on the temperature any type of orchid a general rule of thumb is to water once a week. You may want to water more frequently in the summer and a little bit less in the winter.


Proper fertilization is an important part of orchid care as it is for caring for any plant.
Fertilizing too much or too little could harm your plant.


Providing your orchids with the right amount of light is important for its care as well as to be sure that it blooms. Some orchids like the dendrobiums and cattleyas like to have a lot of light so you want to place them in a south facing window but take care that their leaves do not burn in the hot summer sun. If you notice your good leaves are a dark green this can be an indication that they are not gettingg enough light while a more reddish tone might indicate that they are getting too much light.


Basic orchid care is not that different from caring for any other plant. Just like other plants they need light water and food as well as a proper home with adequate room for their roots to spread.

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