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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Prune Roses

Sakura flower roses -

Rose bushes that are not pruned can grow into large tangled messes with small and inferior blooms. Pruning at the right time can be just as important as how you prune. Bushes should not be pruned untill they begin comming out of dormancy. For older larger canes you will also need a good sharp fine toothed curved cutting saw that is lubricated. It is also a good idea to have some type of pruning paint or sealer to seal larger cuts. Do not cut canes straight across. Always make sure that the shear's cutting blade is on the lower side of the cane in order to insure a clean cut. Moderate pruning, leaving 5 or more canes of up to 24 inches in length, will develope a large bush with nice moderate sized blooms. Light pruning, canes 3 to 4 feet in length, will produce an even larger bush but with smaller blooms on shorter stems and is good for newer or weaker plants. Heavy pruning, 3 to 4 canes from 6 to 12 inches in length will produce the largest, showiest blooms, however if the plant is too new or weak you may end up reducing the plants life span.

Cut out all week, spindly and deformed canes, and if possible cut out canes growing toward the center of the bush. If canes cross each other remove the weaker one. Proper shaping makes for a lovelier bush and allows proper air circulation which makes for a healthier plant.

Prune roses -

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