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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Time To Water Your Roses

Water your roses

Sakura flower water

First of all you should know that when you set up your watering schedule that early morning watering is best. We realize that not everyone's schedule will allow for a regular early morning watering schedule. Standing water on the leaves will make your plants susceptible not only to mildew, but insects, pests, and multitude of fungal diseases

All flowering plants require a good deal of water and roses, being a flowering plant are no exception to this rule. They need as much as 2 inches of water each week. You should also use a rain gauge to see how much water is reaching the soil naturally, and plan your own watering schedule accordingly. The easiest way to check if your plant is receiving enough water involves simple observation. If the leaves limp or sagging your roses probably need more water, if the leaves yellowed, and starting to fall off this could be a sign that you're over watering, and the plant is in need of oxygen.

Although water is vitally important to your roses you need to know that they do not tolerate standing in puddles of water, they have need of drainage, so it is critical that you don't leave your plants in standing water.

Water roses

Choosing Roses

Right roses

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With so many different types to choose from deciding which roses to grow can seem more like a difficult task than a part of the fun of growing roses.


How will a particular color of rose look in your garden, be sure to look at other peoples gardens and in magazines to see how different color arrangements work together


Can your garden aesthetically support twenty-foot roses or will you need to stick with a species that only grows to about eight feet high. You will need to measure your garden before you start looking for roses. You will need to know the width and height of your garden to aid in selecting the proper roses. Your roses will need adequate room to grow and will need enough exposure to sunlight and air to thrive. If you have limited space you might want to consider growing miniature roses instead. Miniature roses require much less space and our easy to care for and maintain.


The climate that the rose needs for proper growth is one of these, if the climate the rose needs does not match with your local climate these roses will never grow very well. For example if you live in an area that has long cold winters you will need to select varieties of roses that can tolerate cold weather.


How much time do you want to spend maintaining your roses? Some roses require very high levels of maintenance, while these roses are quiet beautiful and would be a stunning addition to any garden you have to have the time and dedication to make them thrive. There are roses on the market today known as "Modern Roses"; these are beautiful plants with a great fragrance and long lasting blooms. Landscape roses will add a great deal of beauty to any garden.

Choosing the right roses

Choosing roses

Flower Arrangements: Classicalmesh


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Visualize the phrase: "Floral arrangement" and you can almost smell it. In Ikebana floral arrangement, the material, the style of the arrangement; the size, shape, texture, volume and color of the container even the place and occasion for its display are all vitally important factors.
With the passage of time this art evolved into a sophisticated style of arranging flowers called "Rikka" (standing flowers) in 15th century. The new style in Ikebana called Moribana, literally "piled-up flowers" brought a total revolution in this art. This allowed the conception of landscape style called "shakei" in flower arrangement. The innovation in the art of flower arrangement continued. After the Meiji cult Ikebana further improved as zen'ei ikebana or zen'eibana. This new form of Ikebana was even more expressive than the old style. Women were conventionally schooled in Ikebana, tea ceremony and calligraphy in training for marriage. Flower arrangement today is established as one of the traditional arts in Japan. The most famous Ikebana schools are Ikebono, Ohara and Sogetsu. Most of the Ikebana school sprouts from Ikebono School even today Ikebono School alone has 60,000 teachers around the world. 15 million people in Japan practice Ikebana, typically young women.

We can divide Ikebana approximately into two styles. All the Ikebana schools mainly emphasis on the basic rule of proportion between material and container or the other way round. Sogetsu School that is just dedicated for Ikebana was formed by the founder Tofu Teshigahara in 1927. For more information about Flowers Arrangement Please visit

Roses In Your Landscape


Sakura flower roses

This enlightening article presents some of the latest news on the subject of Roses In Your Landscape.

Roses have many uses in the home garden, both as standalone bushes and climbers and as part of an overall landscape of plants and flowers. The newest thinking in landscape gardening is to combine roses with other types of native plants and flowers, and roses certainly lend themselves to a striking place in the garden.

Roses are also wonderful when used to enhance and highlight areas of the home or surrounding landscape. For instance, climbing roses can be trained to grow up and over a trellis or to highlight and enhance a bare wall or garden shed. Before you can landscape effectively with roses, however, it is important to determine just where roses will fit in your landscape, and how best to use them. Make sure you get the whole story about Roses In Your Landscape from informed sources.

It is also important to choose roses in colors that will best highlight your home and exterior landscape. For instance, a spray of white roses can be quite striking against a dark colored home, just as red roses can beautifully compliment a white exterior.

It is also important to examine your landscape and determine which roses will work best where. It is important to note, however, that hybrid musk roses do not do as well in colder climates. Now you can be a confident expert on Roses In Your Landscape.


Roses in your landscape

Roses And Your Landscape

Rose Landscape

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As you read this article you'll find that the subject of Choosing roses for landscape is certainly no exception.

Roses have long been a favorite among all types of gardeners, and roses continue to enjoy great popularity today. Choosing the right ones, and ensuring that they compliment the overall style of the home, is very important to the overall success of the landscape.

Fortunately, the number of ornamental landscape roses make finding them an easy task. There are a number of classes of roses whose characteristics make them great for use as landscape ornamentals. For instance, the gardener who wants to grow roses up and over an archway or a trellis may want to use tall growing tea roses. Tea roses are renowned for their nodding blooms, therefore all who pass under the arch would be treated to the beautiful sight of roses in full bloom.

If roses are to be planted in front of other plants in the landscape, miniature or low growing China roses are a perfect choice. Roses can even be used as hedges, with modern Shrub roses and Rugosa roses being excellent choices.

Fortunately, roses come in so many shapes, sizes, textures and colors that there truly is a rose for every gardener.

The goal of choosing the best color roses for the landscape should be to compliment the color of the surrounding landscape. With so many colors of roses to choose from, it should be easy to find colors that compliment and enhance any decorating scheme.

One popular trend in the world of landscaping is to use a variety of different plant and flowers in the landscape. Fortunately, roses lend themselves well to this mixture, and roses can be a beautiful part of an overall landscape of plants and flowers. In addition, there are roses suitable for a variety of climates. Don't limit yourself by refusing to learn the details about Choosing roses for landscape.


Monday, May 28, 2007

Tools For The Rose Gardener


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While roses are the centerpiece of any garden landscape, these special flowers do require some specialized care and the right rose gardening tools will help you to do the job. Among the most important gardening tools for the rose gardener to gather are…

Gardening gloves
One of the chief components of any rose plant are the thorns, so a strong pair of gardening gloves is an essential part of any rose gardening kit.


Shovels with fiberglass shafts and strong handles work well in the garden.

Like shovels, rakes are an important part of any gardening project, and it is important to choose quality rakes to get the job done. Look for a strong rake with steel tines for smoothing the garden, and a high quality leaf rake for removing leaves and other debris.

Pruning shears

There are in fact two different kinds of pruners - the bypass pruner and the anvil pruner. For most types of roses the bypass pruner will work best.

Purchasing a simple wheelbarrow is an important part of gardening.

Gardening fork
A gardening fork is a must have for the rose gardener. It is important to choose a quality steel gardening fork with a solid padded handle.

Watering wand
When choosing a watering wand, it is important to look for one with brass fittings. You will find this valve very convenient when working in the garden.

Kneeling pads
Working in the garden means spending lots of time kneeling, and it is important to have a quality kneeling pad to make the work more comfortable.


How To Prepare Your Roses For Winter Part 2


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About mid to late August stop fertilizing though do continue to water deeply (never let the roots of a rose completely dry out). Apply a dormant spray such as lime sulfur or a dormant oil spray. This will kill pests and fungal diseases that might try to over-winter on the plant or surrounding soil. Rake leaves from around your plants and throughout your yard to prevent the spread of disease or a place for pests to hide. Do not remove soil from around the plant to cover the crown, that soil is needed to insulate the rest of the surrounding roots. Carefully remove the canes from the trellis, fence or wall they are tied to, lay them on the ground and cover with a thick layer of straw, leaves or mulch and a few inches of soil just like the base of the plant.

There are 3 ways to over-winter a rose standard if it is planted in the ground. One, is to dig the plant up keeping a good sized root-ball and "heal" the plant into a large container then move it into a shed or garage for the winter. As spring approaches the plant is brought back outside and re-planted in the ground.

The second method is to carefully remove some soil from one side of the plant and bend it until it is laying on its side and then covering the entire plant with a thick layer of straw, leaves or mulch and 3 to 4 inches of soil.

The third method may be the easiest for a ground planted tree rose. First, wrap the entire plant in a thick layer of straw and burlap taking care to fully protect the plant from top to bottom.

Rose standards that are planted in containers are the easiest to care for.

Late winter – early spring: When there is no longer a danger of a killing freeze uncover your roses and water deeply if needed. Remove any damaged or spindly canes and prune back healthy canes by 1/3 to 1/2. Then fertilize and follow all the steps necessary to promote healthy vigorous plants for the entire growing season.


How To Prepare Your Roses For Winter Part 1


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How to prepare any rose for winter always depends on temperature. In general, if in your area during winter the temperature drops to minus 10 degrees F or lower then any rose bush will need some protection. (In mild winter areas a rose never really goes dormant though does require a season of rest). To protect the crown and roots of the plant from the worst of the winter cold and possible mid-winter thaws and re-freezings.

In the case of climbing roses and tree roses you will also need to protect the upper parts (long canes for climbers and top flowering crown for rose standards) as well.

Preparing a rose for winter will always start in spring ( yes, I did mean spring).

Throughout the growing season be sure to water a rose deeply (allow the soil to dry to a depth of 2 inches or so before watering again, the root system needs air too) and fertilize regularly which will encourage a deep and healthy root system as well as healthy canes and flowers.

Roses store nutrients in their woody canes and so the bigger the plant the healthier it will be. Maintain a routine of pest and disease prevention as well as careful pruning to remove spindly growth and damaged or diseased canes.


Landscape Your Yard With Rose Trees

Rose Trees

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Rose trees, which are at times also called rose standards, are a bit different from your typical rose plant or rose bush. They are actually created by grafting a central cane to rootstock at the bottom, and to a grandiflora or floribunda rose bush at the top. All the flowers grow, or more aptly, burst, from the top of the cane. Care must also be taken to shield rose trees from the temperature extremes of the winter. While regular roses only need a layer of mulch applied around their base, rose trees must be mulched all the way up the cane. It can also be rather difficult to keep rose trees healthy and growing optimally. Much care must be exercised in their pruning, you must never prune the central support cane, but only the flowering crown. If you do not you can harm the rose by pruning incorrectly, making it susceptible to disease.

When you are choosing your rose tree, you will be able to choose from several different varieties. You might also like to consider a weeping tree, which may be named for the weeping willow. Weeping rose trees have a profusion of flowers that pour out toward the ground, in a series of beautiful tears. For striking views, you might choose the Roseberry Blanket Weeping Rose Tree, whose fuschia blossoms are sure to catch your eye.

In spite of all the extra care that goes into them, rose trees can be a worthwhile pursuit. Placed well they can turn any normal garden into a magical place.


How To Choose And Prepare The Perfect Location For Your Rose Garden

Rose garden

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Roses are by far one of the most beautiful and sought after flowers. Many people buy roses rather than trying to plant their own gardens. In all actuality roses are a surprising hearty and easy to grow flower.

If you are considering planting roses, don't be discouraged by the overwhelming information and tips available to ensure the perfect flower. The rose in itself is a perfect flower and anyone can plant them and enjoy the beauty of the flower. The first thing to do when planting roses is to find a sunny location with good soil and drainage possibilities. If you have room roses love compost and it is simple to start a small compost pile that will give essential nutrients to the ground ensuring beautiful flowers. A compost pile is simple a part of soil and some simple items mixed in.

After you locate the place you want to plant the roses till the earth well to allow oxygen to reach deep in to the soil. Remove any weeds or other vegetation from your soil after you have tilled the soil. After you have prepared the soil for your roses you can select the plants you want to use. Always remember to plant bulbs with the pointed side up, if you can't tell for sure which side is up plant the bulb on its side and the flowers will generally find it's own way up.

Rose garden location

Tips For Keeping Your Roses Looking Healthy And Beautiful

Healthy and beautiful

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Roses are very beautiful flowers with fragrant flowers that come in a variety of types and colors. Tending a rose garden is a fairly simple process consisting mainly of watering and pruning. You can decide when you prefer to prune your rose bush either in the spring or the fall. While you are shopping for gloves find a small handheld pair of pruning shears. There are a few tips to help you prune your roses that will encourage the best growth and health. Look for any dead or dying stems and cut them away. Pinching the stalk or stem of the rose should give some if they are alive and snap if they are dead. Try and make the smallest cuts, larger cuts will allow bacteria to enter the plant and can cause disease.

When you have pruned the dead and dying plants away the next step is to begin choosing the buds you want to encourage. Cut just above the buds and move around the entire bush. If you need to thin out the plant then removing the stems carefully leaving the buds intact will allow the possibility of transferring the stems to a new area for growing a new bush.

Pruning your roses is a great way to encourage growth and health of the entire plant. Regular care including plenty of sunshine and water will ensure a beautiful rose bush.

Healthy and beautiful

White, Green, Yellow, Red or Pink Rose Gardening?


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Roses are truly beautiful flowers. They are so complicated and delicate and will definitely give notice to your rose garden. Hmmmm...First plan, plan, plan!

First choose the right potting soil for your rose garden. Your rose garden should have at least 1.5 feet of fresh and fertile potting soil. Your rose garden should get anywhere from 4 to 6 hours of sunlight every day.

Mulching is good for roses. Since roses need water once a week, the mulching will help with any rain that may come in between watering sessions. Different kinds of roses have different meanings to people. A single red rose means I love you. Two dozen roses means congradulations. For dozen roses means unconditional love. One dozen roses is meant for graditude. Yellow and white roses means harmony. Red and white roses means bonding. Red and yellow roses means happy celebration. Yellow roses are for friendship. White roses means I miss you. Pink roses means thank you.

Roses require light pruning. When buying roses, they will come in to formats. Either packaged or plain rooted. The best time to plant roses is after winter, after the ground is thawed-Right after winter for southern states or somewhere during spring in the northern states.

So when you are planning your rose garden, remember these simple tips and have fun building your garden!

Flower Gardening

Learn Rose Gardening

rose gardening

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Are you ready to learn rose gardening? Here are some basics to help you start growing healthy, vibrant roses.
In any rose garden there are some overall needs. Roses do need good garden soil, sunlight, and the availability of water. So let's begin to learn rose gardening with where your roses will "live."

The Rose Bed
Almost any soil is, or can be made into, good garden soil. The best soil for your rose bed is a well-drained, fertile, light soil at least two feet deep.

Purchasing Your Roses:
Roses can be easily bought from nurseries and garden centers.
Bare-root roses come with the roots protected in a moist packaging substance.

How To Plant Bare Root Roses:

1. Before planting, soak the roots in water overnight.

2. Set the plant on the mounds, spreading the roots evenly around the mound.
3. Place the rose so the bud union is at the same height as the ground surface.
4. Cover the roots with loose soil and press lightly.

5. Fill the hole with soil, and you're done!

How To Plant Container, or Packaged, Roses:

1. To plant the rose while it is still dormant, take it out of the box and plant it like a bare-root rose.
2. If the rose is growing (showing leaves and flowers), cut the bottom of the container off, and cut several openings on each side. You want the roots to be unrestricted.
3. Set the rose in the planting hole to the right depth. Fill the hole with soil and water.

Mulching Roses:
Mulching your roses is good for any soil and in any climate. Mulch keeps the soil temperature steady, and prevents heavy rain from causing the top soil to cake up.

Watering Roses:
Roses need to receive 1 inch of water per week. Watering deeply once a week, instead of watering lightly more often.

Winter Treatment:
It's fairly easy to help most roses get safely through winter. Start by shoveling a protective mound of soil around the base of the rose.

Pruning Roses:
As you learn rose gardening, you'll find that much satisfaction comes from pruning your roses. Most roses need moderately light pruning.

Why It Is Absolutely Vital That You Prune Your Roses

Prune roses -

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We do not realize the consequences of avoiding the process. Pruning helps stimulate growth of the rose. There is no hard and fast rule regarding the time of pruning roses. Air moving through the plant helps the plant to bloom and grow successfully.

Pruning protects the plant from diseases and wintering bugs. The growth of the rose plant is often curbed by the decays of the bugs, which leads to destruction of the plant. With the help of pruning the disease is removed thus helping the plant grow in a healthy environment.

Pruning guarantees excellent quality and quantity of roses. Pruning helps make the thin and weak stems of the rose plant stronger, prevents decay and revitalizes them. You need to find the perfect time to prune your rose. Different varieties of roses have different times to prune. If cut haphazardly it will be difficult for the rose to grow back. Avoid bad and rough cuts, which damage the stem and tissue of the plant. You should make sure that you have removed all the dead wood before cutting the rose. Pruning helps the plant gain its nutrition and energy and makes it stronger and healthier. By cutting away the dead wood and bugs, you ensure a healthy and fast growth.

Absolutely -

Thursday, May 24, 2007

How To Prune Your Roses For Stunning Results

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Pruning and deadheading are essential to proper rose care. Great! If it doesn't kill your roses, go right ahead.

Basic Pruning Rules

1. Always remove any dead or decayed growth. This keeps your bushes looking good and denies disease and insects a place to call home.

2. Always keep the center of the bush free of growth. This denies insects a place to live, and allows good air circulation to avoid fungus infection.

3. Remove crossing branches to promote stronger growth.

4. Shape your rose bushes as they grow. 5. Always using sharp pruning shears.

5. Always using sharp pruning shears.

6. Clean the shears after each use to remove any disease or fungus spores. Regular Elmer's glue works fine and it is cheap.

Pruning Terms And Techniques

Hard (or "Low") Pruning -- Cut canes back to 3 or 4 buds from the base or the bud unions. This pruning technique works best with new hybrid tea, grandiflora, and floribunda varieties. You should not do hard pruning with established bushes because they may not recycle. Moderate (or Medium) Pruning -- Cut strong stems back to approximately half of their length. Weaker stems may be cut back even more, if needed. This technique works well with established gardens of floribundas, hybrid teas, grandifloras, and tree roses. Light (High or Long) Pruning -- Cut the canes back to around 2/3 of their length. Light pruning is not usually recommended for most bushes, because it tends to produce early blooms and poorly developed flowers. Proper pruning is easy, and it is the key to a happy, healthy rose garden.

Prune your roses -

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Rose Pruning Tips

Sakura flower pruning -

Pruning and dead heading are important parts of your rose care routine. There are as many different opinions about how and when to prune as there are roses in need of pruning.

If you keep these basic rules in mind every time you pick up your pruning shears, you'll be rewarded with beautiful bushes that reflect the care that you put into them.

1. Always keep the center of your bushes free of growth.

2. Always remove any dead or decayed growth. This keeps your bushes looking better and also denies disease and insects a place to call home.

3. Shape your rose bushes as they grow.

4. Remove crossing branches to promote stronger growth,

Common sense rules

Always using sharp pruning shears and clean the shears after use to remove any disease or fungus spores.

Save your money and use regular Elmer's glue. it works just fine and it's a lot cheaper than commercial preparations.

Here's a look at common pruning terms and techniques as well as some guidelines for what types of roses to use them with.

Hard or "Low" Pruning

Cut canes back to three or four buds from the base or the bud unions. This pruning technique works best with new hybrid tea, grandiflora, and floribunda varieties. You should not do hard pruning with established bushes because they may not recycle. The only exception is as a last-ditch effort to revive sick or neglected bushes.

Moderate or Medium Pruning

Cut strong stems back to approximately half of their length. Weaker stems may be cut back even more if needed.

This technique works fine with established gardens of floribundas, hybrid teas, grandifloras, and tree roses.

Light or High/Long Pruning

Cut the canes back to around 2/3 of their length. Light pruning is not generally recommended for most bushes as it tends to produce early blooms and poorly developed flowers.

Pruning Roses

Hybrid Tea Roses

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The romantic long-stemmed rose is the instantly recognizable signature of hybrid teas, and it's what makes them the most popular variety of roses. Public gardens feature special sections devoted to roses, especially colorful hybrid teas. Home gardeners enjoy growing hybrid tea roses that make lovely floral arrangments. Florists love the Tiffany hybrid tea rose for its ability to stand up so well in bouquets. Some hybrid tea roses may be better suited to your area's weather and soil conditions than others. If your location has humid summers, you should be growing hybrid tea roses that resist mildew. Drier regions will demand your rose plants to have more vigorous root systems, to sufficiently sustain them against drought periods in addition to the necessary amount of hybrid tea rose care required. Varieties like the Blue Girl hybrid tea rose require quite a few treatments to fend off nasty diseases like blackspot.

The Terracotta is one of the gently fragrant hybrid tea roses most suitable for cutting, as the scent won't be overpowering.

The Elle hybrid tea rose, a 2005 AARS prizewinner, offers the most striking color combination of soft pink petals and a brilliant yellow undertone that makes this absolutely gorgeous flower, with its scent of citrus mixed with spice, a standout for your garden of hybrid tea roses!

Tea Roses -

Miniature Roses

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Indoors or out, you'll find miniature roses very easy to grow. Compared to their full-sized cousins, miniature roses are practically maintenance-free. A common misconception about miniature roses is they will make ideal houseplants. Before moving them indoors, realize that miniature roses can grow up to 4 feet in height.

Planting Indoors

Place your plant in direct sunlight. Either move the plant to a new location or provide supplemental light.

Make sure to bathe your plant weekly. Gently mist the tops and undersides of the leaves. The spray also removes dust.

If the pot is too small, the plant will be cramped. If too large, your roses will be reluctant to grow.

Planting Outdoors

Outdoors, most miniature roses bloom from spring until the winter. You can plant your roses directly into the ground, a hanging basket, or in an 8 to 10 inch pot. If you choose to plant your roses directly into the ground, dig a hole about 1 foot in depth and diameter. Refill the hole with loose soil, so that your miniature roses are level with the top of the ground. Water your plant thoroughly. These same rules apply to potting your plant.

Water Faithfully

Check the soil daily -- If it feels dry, give it a little water.

Miniature roses will look great in your living room, along the edges of your flower beds, or anywhere your home or garden needs a little burst of color.

Miniature roses

Prune Roses

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Rose bushes that are not pruned can grow into large tangled messes with small and inferior blooms. Pruning at the right time can be just as important as how you prune. Bushes should not be pruned untill they begin comming out of dormancy. For older larger canes you will also need a good sharp fine toothed curved cutting saw that is lubricated. It is also a good idea to have some type of pruning paint or sealer to seal larger cuts. Do not cut canes straight across. Always make sure that the shear's cutting blade is on the lower side of the cane in order to insure a clean cut. Moderate pruning, leaving 5 or more canes of up to 24 inches in length, will develope a large bush with nice moderate sized blooms. Light pruning, canes 3 to 4 feet in length, will produce an even larger bush but with smaller blooms on shorter stems and is good for newer or weaker plants. Heavy pruning, 3 to 4 canes from 6 to 12 inches in length will produce the largest, showiest blooms, however if the plant is too new or weak you may end up reducing the plants life span.

Cut out all week, spindly and deformed canes, and if possible cut out canes growing toward the center of the bush. If canes cross each other remove the weaker one. Proper shaping makes for a lovelier bush and allows proper air circulation which makes for a healthier plant.

Prune roses -

Proper Flower Etiquette

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Flowers are great gifts for practically any occasion, but there are some basic rules of flower etiquette.

Red Roses: Red roses are always a great gift for a lover for practically any occasion or for no occasion at all. The red rose signifies "romantic love", so it may be a bit much in some cases.

Yellow Roses: Yellow roses are the flower of friendship.

Pink Roses: Pink roses are the flowers of secret love. They are a perfect medium between the friendship of a yellow rose, and the romantic love of the red rose.

White Roses: White roses are the flowers of innocent love. They are ideal for family members and family occasions, even funerals.

Carnations: Carnations are the flower of fascination.

Orchids: Orchids are the flowers of love and beauty. They can be given for practically any occasion to practically anybody. Orchids are universally appealing flowers that do not carry significant meaning for most occasions.

Daisy: Daisies are the flowers of loyal love.

Lily: The Lily is the flower of purity and sweetness.

Chrysanthemum: The Chrysanthemum is a flower of friendship, so it will go well on any occasion, but may not be ideal for expressing romantic interest.

Flowers are great gifts, and it is difficult to do too much wrong when getting flowers for anybody.

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How To Choose and Buy Your Orchid Plants

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Orchids are fast becoming popular plants for the holidays. While poinsettias remain the mainstay of holiday decorating, white phalaenopsis, purple dendrobiums, and other colorful orchids bring an exotic touch the home. Begin buying your orchids in the next few weeks to ensure colorful displays by the holidays.

1. Make sure plants are healthy and happy. Orchids should be well-watered and firm in their pots-do not buy plants that "wobble" and are not firmly rooted. Avoid plants with yellowing leaves, that are dried out, or otherwise look unhealthy. Also avoid discounted or sale plants, unless they are in top condition.

2. Choose plants with only a few flowers open, or in the early stages of budding. Orchid flowers that are all open may not last as long, though if you need an instant floral display go right ahead!

3. Keep them away from hot air vents or gas stoves and furnaces as small amounts of gas in the air can cause the buds to shrivel and drop. All orchids require fresh air so an open window in an adjoining room, or a fan to circulate the air, will be needed. Humidity is also important as dry indoor air can quickly cause plants and flowers to shrivel. Grouping plants together, spraying them with water in the daytime, and running a humidifier will benefit your orchids.

Orchid plants -


Sakura flower Dahlia -

Dahlia Dahlias have a long bloom time from summer through fall and like many other bulbs come in a large variety of colors, sizes and shapes. These flowers are so diverse that there are varieties with flower sizes ranging from 2 to 12 inches and from under a foot to 7 feet tall! Plant dahlias in spring after threat of frost has passed. Plant between 4 and 6 inches deep with spacing of 1 foot for short varieties and 5 feet for the tall variety's. Dahlias like full sun unless you are planting them in a very hot climate where they might do well with a little shade. As with most flowers, make sure these are watered regularly. Dahlias

Dahlia -


Sakura Flower Dahlias -

Have you ever wondered if what you know about Dahlias is accurate? Dahlias are among the most beautiful and most exotic residents of any garden. Dahlias are known as sun loving plants, and they definitely do better with sufficient sunlight. Dahlias are actually grown from a tuber, a bulb like structure, and dahlias are actually classified as bulb plants. It is best to plant dahlias near the beginning of June, and those dahlias will usually bloom around October. Dahlias can be planted earlier in the season as well, and those dahlias will provide late summer blossoms. Dahlias should be dug up after the first frost of the year. Doing so will allow the gardener to replant the dahlia tuber the following year.

Dahlias come in a great many varieties, but one of the most popular varieties is the David George. The David George variety of dahlia features a bloom of deep red color and medium size. Other popular dahlia varieties include the Bonaventure, featuring large bronze colored flowers, and the Allie Yellow, with features a tiny yellow bloom.

In addition to staples like orchids and roses, dahlias are often seen at flower shows, and many gardeners grow dahlias purely for these competitions. A prize dahlia can certainly be the star of any flower show, due to their striking beauty and large size.

Dahlias -

Popular Flower

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So what are bulbs really all about? Flowering bulbs are among the most popular of all ornamental plants, and they have enjoyed striking popularity for many years. Bulbs are renowned for their hardiness, color and variety, and there are enough types of bulbs to please even the most discriminating gardener.

Crocus bulbs typically bloom in early spring or in late winter, and they feature tubular shaped flowers ranging in size from 1½" to 3" long. It is important for crocus bulbs to be planted as soon as they become available in the fall. The best way to plant crocus bulbs is two to three inches deep, with a spacing of three or four inches between bulbs. Crocus bulbs should be planted in good quality soil with good drainage, and they should be provided with full sun or partial shade and watered regularly during their growing and blooming seasons.

Dahlias bloom from summer through fall, and they also come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. It is important to observe a regular watering schedule during the bloom and growth cycles of the dahlia.

Dahlia bulbs can be left in the ground if the winter temperatures do not go below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but most gardeners prefer instead to dig the dahlia bulbs up at the end of each growing season. The bulbs should be stored in a cool dry place over the winter and replanted the following spring.

Snowdrops are best suited for colder climates, and the bulbs are best planted in the autumn of the year. The bulbs should be planted from three to four inches deep and about three inches apart.

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Popular Flower Bulbs

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So what are bulbs really all about? Flowering bulbs are among the most popular of all ornamental plants, and they have enjoyed striking popularity for many years. Bulbs are renowned for their hardiness, color and variety, and there are enough types of bulbs to please even the most discriminating gardener.

Crocus bulbs typically bloom in early spring or in late winter, and they feature tubular shaped flowers ranging in size from 1½" to 3" long. It is important for crocus bulbs to be planted as soon as they become available in the fall. The best way to plant crocus bulbs is two to three inches deep, with a spacing of three or four inches between bulbs. Crocus bulbs should be planted in good quality soil with good drainage, and they should be provided with full sun or partial shade and watered regularly during their growing and blooming seasons.

Dahlias bloom from summer through fall, and they also come in a wide variety of colors, shapes and sizes. It is important to observe a regular watering schedule during the bloom and growth cycles of the dahlia.

Dahlia bulbs can be left in the ground if the winter temperatures do not go below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, but most gardeners prefer instead to dig the dahlia bulbs up at the end of each growing season. The bulbs should be stored in a cool dry place over the winter and replanted the following spring.

Snowdrops are best suited for colder climates, and the bulbs are best planted in the autumn of the year. The bulbs should be planted from three to four inches deep and about three inches apart.

Dahlia -

Monday, May 21, 2007

Rospuda Valley

Sakura Flower Rospuda –

A pristine valley in north-east Poland, is crammed with spectacular wildlife. It is called the Rospuda valley, that has eagles, wolves and orchids. The Rospuda river flows through the ancient Augustow Forest near Poland’s border with Lithuania, one of the most pristine forest regions in all of Europe; and the river’s course is bracketed by a peat bog which is astonishingly rich in mammals, rare birds, plants and insects.

The Rospuda is any bird-watchers dream land but in environmental terms, the valley is a jewel.

The Rospuda valley is characterized by the undisturbed landscape conditions and vegetation. The sedge-moss communities, covering over 100 ha are the most valuable habitat of the Rospuda valley.

Most of the Rospuda valley plant communities belong to the mesotrophic small sedge-brown moss vegetation. In addition, small patches of other plant communities are scattered in different parts of the valley.

The ecological value of Rospuda valley is one of the most valuable mire complexes in Poland. The most precious qualities of the Rospuda valley are the vastness of the valley and the totally undisturbed water relations.

The rarest and most valuable species of vascular plants in the valley are: Musk Orchid, Fen Orchid, Lady's Slipper Orchid, and also Dwarf Birch, Jacob's Ladder, Adder's Mouth Orchid, Slender Cotton-grass, Cotton Deergrass. The great part of species mentioned above occur in a large number in the Rospuda valley and it is the only site in Poland, where Musk Orchid occurs.

Rospuda Valley -

Tips on Growing Orchids

Sakura Flower Orchids -

One of the best ways to get great orchid bulbs or just ready to use flowers is to get in touch with a grower in your community. There are a couple of good ways to locate a local orchid grower.

The Internet is a great way to find a grower in your community. Log on to your computer, go to your favorite search site, and look for "orchid grower" along with the name of your community. Often growers will post their information on these boards in hopes of not just getting business, but also in hopes of finding other people who love orchids. Finally, if all else fails, you can get in touch with an orchid grower that is not in your community. If you want to plant orchids or simply learn more about them, an orchid grower is a much more personal and often more affordable way of going about that. They can provide you with bulbs, information, and even a camaraderie that you will likely not find in your local home store or gardening center.

Like all delicate flowers, orchids should be looked after with extreme care. Orchids should be re-potted every two years. Finding an orchid grower is one of the smarter ways to learn about this great little plant. Tips on Growing Orchids

Growing Orchids -

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Mystery Behind Growing Perfect Orchids

Sakura Flower Mystery -

The beginnings of the orchid family are shrouded in mystery. Dr. E. Soysa, writing in Orchid Culture in Ceylon, advances the delightful and plausible, if unproved, theory that orchids antedated the fossil era, but in their love of light ascended trees to escape the advancing jungle. Whatever the genesis of the orchid family, it cannot be doubted that the orchid family is very old, judging both by its great variety and its highly complex structural development, attainable only through the passage of time.

The orchid is among the largest and most highly developed of the plant families, with some fifteen to twenty thousand species.

Nature has decreed that the orchid should be dependent on some outside insect agent, and the resultant relation is a beautiful example of cooperation between the plant and animal kingdoms. The highest means of perpetuation in plants, cross pollination is necessary in all but a very few species of orchids. In the few cases of self pollination the seeds are frequently infertile.

The insects performing the service of cross pollination vary with the species and are as diverse as the ingenious contrivances by which the orchids utilize them. This starry white flower, a rare orchid of Madagascar, has a weirdly elongated lip containing a nectary, about eleven inches long, that holds one and a half ounces of the sweet fluid produced by the sugar secreting glands. Darwin immediately predicted that some day a moth with a proboscis at least twelve inches long would be discovered to be responsible for cross pollination of this peculiar orchid.

This specialization is reflected in the extremely varied forms of the reproductive organs. The stigmatic cavity with its receptive ovum (egg) waits for the `marrying` insect to deposit pollen from another flower.

The Mystery Orchids -

Orchids Grower

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If you are an aspiring orchids grower than you know how beautiful these plants are and how rewarding it is to grow them in your own home. Learn Grow….

1. Humidity
Being tropical plants, orchids to require a lot of humidity and any successful orchid grower will tell you that this is key to having good plants. Since orchids need at least 50% humidity you will have to set your growing space up to provide for that.

2. Water
Like all growing plants, orchids need water, but a common mistake that many growers make is to think that because they require high humidity that they must be watered continuously, this is simply not true and overwatering is a sure way to kill an orchid. Water until the soil is moist but take care not to overwater. If the soil in your orchid pot remains wet for more than a day than you over watered it. You can add some water soluble fertilizer formulated specially for orchids but only during the growing season.

3. Light
Of course orchids need plenty of light to grow properly especially during the summer. if you cannot provide enough natural sunlight and grow lights will work just fine.

4. Soil
just like any other plant, orchids need nutrients and good soil to growing. Luckily you can buy potting soil formulated specifically for orchids. Becoming a successful orchid grower is really no different than growing any other type of plant.

Orchids Grower -

The Basics Of Orchid Care

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Orchids are exotic plants that have thrived on this planet for millions of years but many people are reluctant to grow them as they do not understand the basics of orchid care. While orchids can be challenging to grow, their care is really not that complicated and if you understand what they need to florish, you, too, can enjoy these beautiful and fragrant plants.


One of the big mistakes that people make is over watering their orchids. The amount of watering necessary depends on the temperature any type of orchid a general rule of thumb is to water once a week. You may want to water more frequently in the summer and a little bit less in the winter.


Proper fertilization is an important part of orchid care as it is for caring for any plant.
Fertilizing too much or too little could harm your plant.


Providing your orchids with the right amount of light is important for its care as well as to be sure that it blooms. Some orchids like the dendrobiums and cattleyas like to have a lot of light so you want to place them in a south facing window but take care that their leaves do not burn in the hot summer sun. If you notice your good leaves are a dark green this can be an indication that they are not gettingg enough light while a more reddish tone might indicate that they are getting too much light.


Basic orchid care is not that different from caring for any other plant. Just like other plants they need light water and food as well as a proper home with adequate room for their roots to spread.

Planting Orchids? Why Not Plant The Most Fragrant Types?

Author: Lee Dobbins

Orchids are well-known for the interesting beauty and unusual varieties but they are also loved for their wonderful fragrance. Whether used in corsages, bouquets or planted right in your garden, orchids have a wonderful scent that can sue the savage beast. There are many orchids that have marvelous smells but here is a list of some of the most fragrant orchids on the market today.

These are smaller sized orchids that are very fragrant in the evening hours.

These tall lanky orchids can have good fragrance that need to be careful because some of them do not.

Ancistrochilum rothschildianum
This is a small species that is deciduous during winter.

The popular lady of the night orchid is out of the Brassavola species which include other orchids that give off their sense in the night.

Not only smells good but it is striking to with its large spiderlike flowers.

These brassia hybrids are nicely scented and very popular today.

A cross between cattleya and barcarole, these files can be very strongly scented.

This large deciduous plant bears male or female Flowers and has many species that are quite fragrant concluding the tenebrosum and pileatum. There are also many popular hybrids that are very fragrant as well.

The most fragrant species this orchid can be iricolor, bicolor, dowiana, labiata, maxima, schilleriana, warscewiczii and mossiae. Some of the hybrids can be intensely fragrant.

These orchids lose their leaves during the winter time and have many species which are scented.

A popular genus of orchid having tall canes which those leaves in winter. Most of this species of orchid or scented and you might recognize some of the more popular ones which include monoliforme, speciosum, nobile, kingianum, loddigesii and parishii.

these orchids have chains of tiny flowersand many of the species assented including the magnum, glumacaeum and cobbianum.

These small and highly fragrant species can be rather short-lived.

Haraella odorata
These of a popular miniature orchids which are very fragrant.

Sedirea japonica
Cultivated in Japan these orchids can be on the small side and rather long but are highly fragrant.

these orchids are harder to grow in northern regions and a big long a real roots. The smaller scented species include suavis, denisonia, cristata and tessellata.

Consisting of complex hybrids the species are highly scented with wonderful fragrance.

Planting orchids or growing them in pots can be a challenging but rewarding experience and with these species you're sure to get a nosefull!

Sakura Flower Planting -

Australian Orchids

Sakura Flower Australian -

There are over 30,000 species of orchids making it the largest family and the plant world. In Australia, orchids grow in the southern region and can be found growing on tree trunks as well as in the ground. Many of the Australian orchids have adapted some specialized methods of enticing insects over for pollination. This national herbarium orchid collection consists of 48,000 dried specimens 18,005 hundred cards whichh contain the affected pieces of flowers and over 19,000 Spirit preserved orchid specimens.

Some of the interesting Australian orchids Include the Durabaculum Nindii or endangered blue orchid which is native to North Eastern Queensland, the dotted Sun orchid, the nodding green hood, the tongue orchid, and the cowslip orchid to name but a few.

In Australia, you will find epiphytes which grow on trees as well as terrestrials which grown around. Epiphytes are the easiest to grow in the most common in orchid collections.

Western Australia is home to mostly terrestrial orchids which are well-known for their size, bright color and strange markings. Orchids are great plants and make an unusual gift whether they are given as a live potted plant or in a vase with other flowers. When growing orchids, the most important thing you can do is provide enough humidity.

Australian Orchids

Learn How You Can Grow Orchids At Home

Sakura Flower Learn

Many people think that growing orchids is something that can only be done in big hot houses however, you can grow orchids at home if you pick the right type and provide it with the right environment.

Growing orchids can be a rewarding hobby and can produce beautiful plants that you can enjoy or give as gifts. Orchids that work best for home growing are those that grow high in the trees hanging from the branches and get the nutrition from the rain, jungle air and decaying vegetation that their roots come in contact with. In order to grow these orchids at home, you'll need to provide them with a growing area that comes close to their native environment.


in order to do this, you can set your orchid pots on a tray that is filled with water but not In the tray just above it so that the humidity from the water can come up with a water does not soak into the pot.


Make sure there is no standing water. Fertilize with a water-soluable fertilizer made specifically for orchids.


Different types of orchids need different amounts of sunlight and if you can't provide natural sunlight you can try fluorescent grow lights.


You can buy ready mixed orchid potting mixes and this is what you should use for your orchids.


Orchids can be prone to diseases and pests. They can succumb to fungal disease viral disease and bacterial disease and often have mites, aphids, caterpillars, slugs, mealy bugs, snails, white flies, and dendrobium beatles. To treat pests on your orchids, you should use pesticides from a local garden supply store.

Learn Grow Orchids -

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