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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Container Flower Gardening

Sakura flower container –

Anyone can plant, grow, and enjoy their own pleasurable flower garden regardless of where they live.
The solution for those who want the joys of a real garden without a lot of the maintenance is container flower gardening.
You can choose the type and colors of flowers to suit your own taste and the size and type of containers to suit the free space you have available.
Some typical types of container are ceramic post, wooden barrels, or plastic containers.
All containers must have adequate drainage to stop your plants ending up soaked and over watered. You can always transfer from container to container as the flowers grow if you wish.

Quick Fact:
Container gardening refers to more than just simple containers - it can mean window boxes, hanging baskets or standard plant pots.
Choose a good, high quality potting soil that you can pick up from your gardening supplies store. When repotting newly sprouted flowers from the plastic tray to the container use a granular type fertilizer to help assist growth.
So you've got your container and your soil, next you need some flowers. Container flower gardening allows you to use your own flair and creativity and is a big part of the satisfaction of the hobby.
Finally some other important things to bear in mind for keeping your container flower gardening healthy.
Container flower gardening is a relaxing and rewarding hobby with long term satisfaction and can be used to greatly enhance any home.

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