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Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Benefits Of Mullein Flower

Sakura flower goldenseal –

Goldenseal or Hydrastis canadenis is one of the most popular herbs sold on the American market. Goldenseal is a medicinal plant native to America. Goldenseal was used as a Native American remedy to treat skin diseases, wounds, and sore, inflamed eyes. The roots of the Goldenseal are bright and yellow, hence its name.

For decades, goldenseal root has been used to treat all sorts of illnesses and disorders. It has acquired a considerable reputation as a natural antibiotic and as a remedy for various gastric and genitourinary disorders.

According to Benjamin Smith Barton's Essays Towards a Materia Medica of the United States which was published in three parts from 1798 to 1804, goldenseal was a Cherokee folk cancer remedy. By the late 1700s, goldenseal was a popular strong tea for indigestion. The bitter drink helped stimulate digestion and improve the appetite. Today, goldenseal is used to treat symptoms of the cold and flu.

The Plant

Goldenseal is an herbaceous perennial plant that is long-lived. The horizontal rhizome creeps beneath the rich forest detritus, resembling a small, crooked finger. When in perfect condition, goldenseal rhizome becomes clump-like with a dense crown and multiple buds. Extending from the rhizome are fibrous rooflets. The root of the goldenseal is the main part used for herbal remedies.

Health Benefits

Many combination formulas of other herbs use goldenseal as it is reported to improve the potency of other herbs. Berberine and hydrastine are alkaloids found in goldenseal. They are attributed with the potency of the herb. Similar in action, berberine and hydrastine destroy many types of bacterial and viral infections. These alkaloids can also reduce gastric inflammation and relieve congestion.

Buying Information

The most popular products are liquid extracts and capsules containing the whole dried herb.

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