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Thursday, June 28, 2007

Wild-flower Garden

Sakura flower garden –

A wild-flower garden has a most attractive sound. Suppose you are hunting wild flowers. As you choose certain flowers from the woods, notice the soil they are in, the place, conditions, the surroundings, and the neighbours.

Suppose you find dog-tooth violets and wind-flowers growing near together. Then place them so in your own new garden. If you wish wild flowers to grow in a tame garden make them feel at home.
Wild flowers ought to be transplanted after blossoming time is over. Surely you do not wish to bring those plants back to wait over a day or night before planting. The bed needs soil from the woods, deep and rich and full of leaf mold. Then plants are not to go into water-logged ground. Some people think that all wood plants should have a soil saturated with water.
Before planting water the soil well. Then as you make places for the plants put into each hole some of the soil which belongs to the plant which is to be put there. In the spring a hepatica plant wastes no time on getting a new suit of leaves. The soil is found to be rich and loose. If planted with other woods specimens give them the benefit of a rather exposed position, that they may catch the early spring sunshine. I should cover hepaticas over with a light litter of leaves in the fall. You'll find the hepatica blossoms all ready to poke up their heads. With a white flower which has dainty tracings of pink, a thin, wiry stem, and narrow, grass-like leaves, this spring flower cannot be mistaken. You will find spring beauties growing in great patches in rather open places.
The other March flower mentioned is the saxifrage. It is a plant which grows in dry and rocky places. Anyway, it is a rock garden plant. It has white flower clusters borne on hairy stems.
The columbine is another plant that is quite likely to be found in rocky places. The roots do not strike deeply into the soil; in fact, often the soil hardly covers them. Now, just because the columbine has little soil, it does not signify that it is indifferent to the soil conditions. I wonder if it has struck you, how really hygienic plants are? Plenty of fresh air, proper drainage, and good food are fundamentals with plants.
It is evident from study of these plants how easy it is to find out what plants like.
If you desire a flower to pick and use for bouquets, then the wild geranium is not your flower. The plant is found in rather moist, partly shaded portions of the woods. I like this plant in the garden.
There are numbers and numbers of wild flowers I might have suggested. These I have mentioned were not given for the purpose of a flower guide, but with just one end in view your understanding of how to study soil conditions for the work of starting a wild-flower garden.

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